Special offer: Test drive the latest hearing aid at no cost What more could you hear this summer? Kiwi summer means Christmas is coming! It’s time to hear cicadas singing, barbeques sizzling and glasses clinking as you say ‘Cheers.’ If you have hearing loss and want to hear those familiar sounds of a kiwi summer, talk to us about hearing aids that could help.
Book your hearing aid test drive today

Call 0800 751 000 or complete the form to book your spot.

    3 steps to better hearing!

    At your appointment, we’ll talk you through everything you need to know about the latest hearing aid technology, designed to make hearing part of your life again.


    Step 1:

    Hearing check

    Step 2:

    Results overview and how we can help

    Step 3:

    Obligation free personal hearing aid demonstration

    Find out more about our other services